Resolved: Run .swf and other MIME type files in web browser in SharePoint 2010 scnerio

One fine day i migrate a SharePoint portal of a client from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010. Well as usual i face so many problems during migration and after migration. This was the one problem i face after migration. It was interesting so i decide to share this with you guys.
Well there was a training site in MOSS 2007 and this site contains a document library that in addition contains some demo .swf files. Client put a view of this library on training site home page. So whenever any one click on any demo files, this runs on browser. Well after successful migration of this site to SharePoint 2010 i decide to test this site. During testing when i clicked on a .swf demo file then in place of running in browser it asked me to download the file. This was problematic to me as client want this site to run on browser only not to download it and he want exactly what it was behaving in MOSS 2007. I checked for Blocked File Types, Shock-wave plug-in installation on browser, mime type added in IIS. But with no luck as all settings was perfectly fine and on same machine and browser MOSS 2007 training site was perfectly running. I thought about the security issue and permission but i was partially right coz i was the site collection administrator and had the full permission so permission was not the problem. But definitely it was due to security, so i searched for relative security settings and after some research i came to know about the new setting provided in SharePoint 2010 for web applications and it was “Browser File Handling”. Well below are the steps that how i resolved this:
1. Open Central Administration Site.
2. On left hand menu, click on Application Management.
3. In “Web Applications” section, Click on “Manage web applications” link.
4. Select the desired application by clicking on it.
5. Now on the Ribbon menu (Top Menu), Click on General Settings Icon arrow. A pop up will open, in this pop up select General Settings.
6. Another pop up page will open, scroll down the page and go to “Browser File Handling” section.
7. In my case by default it was set to strict. I change this setting to Permissive.
8. Click OK and it was done.

Now i open my SharePoint 2010 training site and clicked on a demo .swf file and voila this time it didn’t ask me to download rather it played on browser as it played in MOSS 2007 site.

“Browser File Handling”
Specifies whether additional security headers are added to documents served to web browsers. These headers specify that a browser should show a download prompt for certain types of files (for example, .html) and to use the server’s specified MIME type for other types of files.
Permissive Specifies no headers are added, which provides a more compatible user experience.
Strict Adds headers that force the browser to download certain types of files. The forced download improves security for the server by disallowing the automatic execution of Web content that contributors upload.