
After closing webpart how to get back?

Problem:Usually when we click on the close menu of web-part it is disappear from screen. I want to display a window in which all the web-parts which were disappear so user can select and get back ? Solution: Just put a CatalogZoneWebPart with PageCatalog inside it and after running the appliaction you’ll find that your After closing webpart how to get back?

Closed Web Part is not appearing in Catalog Zone

Problem: If I set the HeaderText=”&nbsp” in WebPartZone ,then I am  not able to see any text for this Zone in CatalogZone . Solution: Well CatalogZone contains closed WebPart name followed by a checkbox and there is a combo box that contains the value of all the WebPartZones placed in that page. Now if you Closed Web Part is not appearing in Catalog Zone