web part

Resolved: The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and try your operation again.

During my SharePoint project i need to clean up the site for better performance.  So first thing i started to delete the closed web parts from web part pages. As there were so many web part pages in the application so i decide to write a web application that can delete the closed web parts Resolved: The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and try your operation again.

Add custom verbs into Web Part

Problem :I want to add some custom verbs for each of the web part i have. Along with Minimize, Close verbs i want to add Save, MyFavorite, Edit etc to the web part verb. And after clicking on that verbs lets say [Help] i need to do some server side processing. Solution: We can do Add custom verbs into Web Part

Web Part Personalization according to user

Problem 1:I want to set the webparts personalization according to login user i.e. If user1 closed a webpart in the appliaction then this should not reflect to user2. How can i achieve this ? Problem 2:I have a Users table containing username and password fields. A user has to first login into a form that Web Part Personalization according to user

After closing webpart how to get back?

Problem:Usually when we click on the close menu of web-part it is disappear from screen. I want to display a window in which all the web-parts which were disappear so user can select and get back ? Solution: Just put a CatalogZoneWebPart with PageCatalog inside it and after running the appliaction you’ll find that your After closing webpart how to get back?

Customize web part verb icons.

Problem 1: Customize the WebPart MinimizeVerb,RestoreVerb,CloseVerb  icon. like igoogle Solution: Set these property of webpartzone CloseVerb-ImageUrl,RestoreVerb-ImageUrl,MinimizeVerb-ImageUrl like this: <asp:WebPartZone id=”wpz” runat=”server” CloseVerb-ImageUrl=”url of close image” RestoreVerb-ImageUrl=”url of restore image” MinimizeVerb-ImageUrl=”url of minimize image”>

Resolved: No SharePoint Site exists at the specified URL

I created a blank solution in VS2008 and added 8 projects in this solution. Out of 8 projects 6 were the different class library project, 1 was for Event Receivers and 1 was for Web Parts using VSeWss 1.3. Now i created a new web part inside web part project code it according to my Resolved: No SharePoint Site exists at the specified URL

SharePoint: What Is ??

what is SharePoint? Portal Collaboration Software. what is the difference between SharePoint Portal Server and Windows SharePoint Services? SharePoint Portal Server is the global portal offering features like global navigation and searching. Windows SharePoint Services is more content management based with document libraries and lists. You apply information to certain areas within your portal from SharePoint: What Is ??