
Search Crawling Error “The filtering process could not load the item…” in SharePoint 2010 : Resolved

“The filtering process could not load the item. This is possibly caused by an unrecognized item format or item corruption.” In our production server this warning was generating with many items while crawling sites for search. Due to this we were unable to find the content of our custom pages during search. After a long Search Crawling Error “The filtering process could not load the item…” in SharePoint 2010 : Resolved

Resolved: Remove Contextual Search Scope from Search Dropdown in SharePoint

By Default SharePoint search made up of two controls. First is a search drop down box that contains scopes.Second control is a serach box in which we type the keywords for search. Scopes can be classified in two 2 categories. 1. Custom scope 2. Contextual scope By default there are two custom scopes present in Resolved: Remove Contextual Search Scope from Search Dropdown in SharePoint

Steps to search a specific custom list

Step 1: Go to “Site Actions“, “Site Settings” and under “Site Collection Administration” click on “Search Scopes“. Step 2: Click on “New Scope” and give it a title and leave other fields intact then click ok. Step 3: Now add rule to this Newly created scope, click add rule. Step 4: In Add Scope Rule Steps to search a specific custom list

Clusty~Search Engine

Clusty http://clusty. com/ introduces Clustering 2.0 Clusty is a change from other search engines because it sorts keywords into themed groups. Just type a word, and the clustered groups are listed in a panel. Use the tabs to direct your search to results from a particular source, or even to sites with a given extension; Clusty~Search Engine