Windows SharePoint Services

Resolved: Remove Contextual Search Scope from Search Dropdown in SharePoint

By Default SharePoint search made up of two controls. First is a search drop down box that contains scopes.Second control is a serach box in which we type the keywords for search. Scopes can be classified in two 2 categories. 1. Custom scope 2. Contextual scope By default there are two custom scopes present in Resolved: Remove Contextual Search Scope from Search Dropdown in SharePoint

Resolved: COM DLL is not showing in COM Library after Registering on Windows Server 2008 x64

Well I had to implement a payment gateway at my server. My server was built on x64 architecture and had Windows Server 2008 installed. Well according to the document I had to put my COM dll inside c:\windows\system32 folder and then from Run command I had to register this dll like “regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\MyCOM.dll”. Well I Resolved: COM DLL is not showing in COM Library after Registering on Windows Server 2008 x64

CAML Query Search Between Two Date Ranges : SharePoint

SPSite site = new SPSite(“http://localhost:3001”); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(“MyWeb”); SPList list = web.Lists[“MyList”]; //RequestStartDate & RequestEndDate will be passed in mm/DD/yyyy format. //They can extend  to work with time also. string startDate = (SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(this.RequestStartDate))); string endDate = (SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(this.RequestEndDate))); SPQuery query=new SPQuery(); query.Query = “<Where><And><Geq><FieldRef Name=’Date_x0020_of_x0020_Meeting’ /><Value Type=’DateTime’>” + startDate + “</Value></Geq><Leq><FieldRef Name=’Date_x0020_of_x0020_Meeting’ /><Value Type=’DateTime’>” + CAML Query Search Between Two Date Ranges : SharePoint

Get HTML of a web page using C#.NET

Below i am using a function that takes a web page full url as string and return back HTML of that page as string. You can use this returned HTML in your code as per your requirement. Step 1: First import 2 namespaces that are required by this function to work. using System.IO; using System.Net; Get HTML of a web page using C#.NET

File Download from SharePoint Document Library in Forms Based Authentication Scenario

I was writing the code for downloading a file from a SharePoint document library using Forms Based Authentication. Every time file was getting downloaded with 8kb of size when i was opening them they were showing that file is not supported. I opened one of downloaded files that was actually a word file, in notepad File Download from SharePoint Document Library in Forms Based Authentication Scenario

Resolved: Site Collection Administrator has limited permission to site.

Today i restored a moss site backup on a new port at my server. This site had Forms based authentication, after implementing all the settings i logged in as a site collection administrator in to the site. When i click Site Actions links, i found some options are missing in the menu e.g. “Edit Page”, Resolved: Site Collection Administrator has limited permission to site.

The trial period for this product has expired SharePoint: Resolved

I was getting this error in case of Publishing site e.g. Creating a publishing site, creating a publishing page etc. There are so many resolution on internet regarding this issue but nothing helped for me. So how i resolved this issue is discussed below: Download “office2007-kb971620-fullfile-x86-glb.exe” from After download, double click “office2007-kb971620-fullfile-x86-glb.exe” to run. The trial period for this product has expired SharePoint: Resolved

Convert date from dd/MM/yyyy to MM/dd/yyyy for storing in SharePoint list or Sql Server Database

I was working on a custom web part that takes the date in Indian format e.g. dd/MM/yyyy while inserting the record in SharePoint custom list. But as we know that SharePoint custom list insert the date value as MM/dd/yyyy format. So it was throwing me the error for invalid string format so below is the Convert date from dd/MM/yyyy to MM/dd/yyyy for storing in SharePoint list or Sql Server Database

Resolved:Use Microsoft.SharPoint namespace in Inline Code of .ASPX Page

Its 2:17 AM of night and I am working with a pop up window to use in sharepoint due to this i took a .aspx page provided in visual studio so i have to wrote some inline code that uses Microsoft.SharePoint name-space. Below is the code snippet for utilizing Microsoft.SharePoint in inline code: <%@ Page Resolved:Use Microsoft.SharPoint namespace in Inline Code of .ASPX Page

Hide View All Site Content and Recycle Bin in Quick Launch: Resolved

I assigned a task to hide “View All Site Content” and “Recycle Bin” link from left hand navigation of sharepoint site. I wanted to implement this without editing the master page in SharePoint Designer. I just open the page where i want to hide these links, i checked the source of that web page by Hide View All Site Content and Recycle Bin in Quick Launch: Resolved