403 Forbidden Error After Installing a Custom Feature Solution

Sometimes when you create a custom feature to activate and deactivate  some event receivers, and after installing the feature you get a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access Site Features or sometimes to access the whole site.When you uninstall it the Site or site features page is available again.

1. When you create a folder within the Features directory through Windows Explorer by right-clicking a folder,
pointing to New, and then clicking Folder,
The new folder does not have inherited permissions.
If you deploy a Feature in this folder, then some Windows SharePoint Services pages,such as for site settings or list views, throw an exception.
You can fix this problem by right-clicking the new folder, click Properties, click Security, and then click Advanced.
On the Permissions tab, delete uninherited permissions from the folder.

2. You can also fix this problem by creating the new folder at the command prompt through the md command.
3. Just cut the feature folder and paste in to some other location e.g. Desktop, Now copy that folder and paste inside Feature directory of 12 hive.