401 Unauthorized Error using FBA Resolved

Yesterday i was implementing Form Based Authentication in SharePoint. After completing the implementation steps, i opened the site and got an error 401 UNAUTHORIZED. In IIS Authentication Methods, Anonymous Access was enabled. After digging the steps taken for FBA implementation again i found that all were correct but ow the question was that why the site is throwing error.I was sure that the problem is in site level only So i once againg recheck the web.config of site. I found the
<add name=”DownloadTrackerHttpModule” type=”Microsoft.MSIT.DownloadTracker.DownloadTrackerHttpModule, Microsoft.MSIT.DownloadTracker, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=039e36666027bfc6″ />
was automatically inserted into the httpModule section in my web.config, when one of my colleagues finished deploying PodCastingKitForSharePoint.
It seems to have no access to load the module in the zone site with FBA. I commented the above mentioned entry and restart the IIS.
Voilla my site was back with FBA….